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Chairman Ding Rong was named "Pioneer of Overseas Chinese Party Members in Jiangsu Province"

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, the Jiangsu Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese organized a commendation event for the "Pioneer of Overseas Chinese Party Members" on the eve of "July 1". Chairman Ding Rong was awarded the "Pioneer of Overseas Chinese Party Members in Jiangsu Province"!

Taizhou Juna participated in the party's 19th National Congress of the spirit of the seminar

Gu Yongbo interpreted the main content of the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of my country, and focused on three major concepts: socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the main contradictions in our society have changed, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. At the same time, Gu Yongbo deeply interpreted the great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance of "extensively uniting and contacting overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese and their relatives, and jointly committing to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" clearly stated in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. I hope that everyone can fully understand the significance of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the consciousness and firmness of studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and actively promote the spirit of the 19th National Congress to overseas Chinese and relatives and friends. The new practice of "two gatherings and one high", building a "strong, rich, beautiful and high" new Taizhou, planting Taizhou to make more contributions to the new advantages of catching up and surpassing, and working hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Juna Technology participated in the Party Building Work Promotion Meeting of the Basic Party Organization of the Science and Technology System in Hongkou District

Secretary Wang Chengdong summarized the party building work of the "two new" organizations in the first half of 2015, and deployed the key points of the "two new" organizational party building work in the second half of the year. Bian Xuemin pointed out that the next party building work will innovatively try Internet APP and other models to better achieve organizational coverage.

Group leaders participated in the eleventh civil class of the Shanghai Municipal Party School

More than 50 trainees in the city have gained a lot after three days of intensive and enriching training, whether it is "Shanghai Global Science and Technology Innovation Center Construction", "Enterprise Competitiveness and Intellectual Property", "Belt and Road and AIIB", "Enterprise Strategy" and Core Competitiveness", or "Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Financing and Listing Training" are the current focus and hotspots. The workshop also built a platform for entrepreneurs to communicate and interact.

2015 Hongkou District Science and Technology System Grass-roots Organization Construction Work Training Course Conclusion

In order to implement the new requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the party under the new situation and further improve the ability and quality of party and mass workers, from June 3rd to 4th, the Hongkou District Technology Enterprise Party Member Service Center and the District Technology Trade Union jointly held the 2015 Annual training for the construction of grass-roots organizations in the science and technology system. A total of 32 people, secretary of the Party branch and chairman of the labor union of science and technology enterprises in the region, participated in the training.

Congratulations to Chairman Ding Rong for being awarded "Shanghai Youth Post Expert"

Recently, the results of the 13th "Shanghai Youth Post Experts" selection activity jointly sponsored by the Shanghai Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, and the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau were announced. Comrade Ding Rong, Chairman of Juna Group, won the honorary title of the 13th "Shanghai Youth Post Expert".

The chairman of the group participated in the 2014 training class for well-known entrepreneurs in Hongkou District

In order to implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, we will strive to promote "the Party's policies into the enterprise, government services into the enterprise, and advanced culture into the enterprise", so as to better unite the talents of the "two new" organizations and promote non-governmental organizations. For the healthy development of public enterprises, the Organization Department of the Hongkou District Committee and the District Social Party Working Committee held a seminar for well-known entrepreneurs and personnel directors in Hongkou District from November 26 to 27, 2014 at the Hongkou District Party School. Huang Lifang, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the District Party Committee, mobilized for the opening of the class. The relevant person in charge of the Party School of the District Party Committee presided over the opening ceremony. Comrade Ding Rong, Chairman of the Giant Group and Secretary of the Party Branch, participated in the seminar.

The Secretary of the Party Branch of Shanghai Juna Science and Technology went to Jinggangshan to study

The Jinggangshan Training Base for the Party Building Work of the "Two New" Organizations in Shanghai was unveiled and established at the Jiangxi Cadre College

Notice on Launching the "Two New" Organization Party Building Stories Collection Activity

Please read carefully and actively participate in the party members of the group. Party organizations of relevant departments in the district, comprehensive party committees of various communities, and centralized management party organizations: In order to summarize the experience of party building work in non-public enterprises and new social organizations, display the party building innovation achievements of the "two new" organizations in our district in the past ten years, and expand the typical influence of excellent grass-roots party organizations, and summarize the work rules from the advanced models of party building work. According to the Municipal Social Work Party Committee's "Two New Organizations Party Building Stories Collection Activity Notice", the District Social Party Working Committee decided to carry out the "Two New" Organization Party Building Stories Collection Activities in the whole district. 1. The theme of the essay It tells a vivid example of the role played by the "two new" grassroots party organizations in our district in the past ten years in "promoting development, serving the masses, uniting people's hearts, and promoting harmony". 2. Writing Requirements 1). Use storytelling to tell the specific examples of grass-roots party organizations in leading party members to play a vanguard and exemplary role, organizing party members to carry out scientific and technological research, resolving labor-management conflicts, safeguarding employees' rights and interests, carrying out public welfare and charity activities to repay the society, and motivating owners to support party building. Must be based on real examples. 2). From a specific case at the grassroots level, it reflects the process and effect of the "two new" organizations' party organizations playing the role of fighting fortresses. 3). A short story should be developed around the difficulties or conflicts faced by a specific job. It must have characters, plots, methods, and insights, and it can have appropriate artistic processing. 4). The style is narrative, the number of words is 1500-1800 words, and the writing is required to be fluent, the language is vivid, and the emotion is full. 5). Time for submission of papers: April 10, 2014 - the end of August 2014 3. Essay selection and awards The District Socialist Party Working Committee will select the essays, and set up 2 first prizes, 3 second prizes, 5 third prizes, and several excellent prizes (certificates, bonuses or prizes) Excellent short stories of party building will be compiled into a book and recommended for publication in party newspapers, party journals and the "Two New" interactive network. Excellent party building stories published in "Cohesion" and "Party Member Classic Guide" will be paid separately. 4. How to submit essays 1). Send the electronic version of the article to the working mailbox of the Socialist Party Working Committee of the district:hkshdgwxx@163.com,The subject of the email should indicate "Short Stories Collection"; or fax to: 25658826 2). Please indicate: author's name, gender, age, contact number, unit and party branch. 5. Organizational Requirements It is hoped that all units will do a good job in organizing and launching the work based on the summary and review of the "two new" party building work in our district in the past ten years and the cultivation of the party building work brand. not less than 1 article per month). 6. Contact information Contact: Chen Taiyuan Zhang Yue Tel: 25658825 25658827 Hongkou District Social Party Working Committee April 21, 2014

Notice on in-depth development of the voluntary action of "Party members go to the community, everyone does public welfare" to welcome the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the Party

To effectively strengthen publicity, the Shanghai grassroots party building website, "Organization and Personnel News", "Party Life", "Veteran Cadre Work", "Evergreen Tree", etc. should set up a voluntary action column of "Party members go to the community, everyone does public welfare", Increase publicity and reporting and create a favorable atmosphere for public opinion. It is necessary to summarize the experience created by grass-roots party organizations and party members in carrying out activities in a timely manner, actively commend grass-roots party organizations and party members who have made achievements in voluntary actions and public welfare activities, carry forward the advanced, set up models, and play a leading role by example. The activities carried out by each unit shall be reported to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Veteran Cadre Bureau in a timely manner.   各区县党委组织部、老干部局,各大口党委组织部(处)、老干部处:     党员到居住地发挥作用,是中央的明确要求,也是市委近年来推进区域化党建工作的重要步骤。为了进一步做实这项工作,按照市委推进基层服务型党组织建设的具体部署,推动党员率先践行和弘扬社会主义核心价值观,今年“七一”前后起在全市共产党员中广泛开展“党员到社区、人人做公益”志愿行动。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、梳理一批群众需求项目 全市所有居村党组织,要结合正在开展的第二批教育实践活动学习教育、听取意见环节的要求,充分依托组团式联系服务群众这一载体,登门入户、普遍走访,进一步畅通群众反映诉求、表达意见建议的渠道,深入了解群众迫切需要解决、帮助的问题和困难,并分门别类认真进行梳理,近期抓紧形成一批能认领、可操作、有助于实际解决群众所需所盼的公益性服务项目清单,明确项目内容、要求、受益主体等情况。 二、深入开展党员到居住地报到联系做公益 一是进一步推动党员到居住地报到。在职党员、党的组织关系不在居住地的退(离)休党员还没有到居住地报到的或者居住地发生变更的,所在基层党组织要督促其在“七一”前领取报到单到居住地党组织报到。 二是新报到和以往已经报到的党员,“七一”前要普遍到居住地党组织联系一次。本次到社区的任务,主要是对接居村党组织梳理形成的公益服务项目清单,结合自身优势、专业特长和实际条件积极认领,切实参与“党员到社区、人人做公益”志愿行动。 三、向全市党员推荐一批公益项目 市委组织部会同市文明办、市民政局、团市委等,首批推荐若干公益项目(附后)。党员在认领居住地公益项目的基础上,可以自主选择、积极参与。基层党组织也可以组织党员集体参与。同时,鼓励党员登陆上海市志愿者网注册登记,按照就近方便的原则,积极参与各类志愿服务组织、志愿者服务基地等开展的公益服务活动,发挥骨干作用。 四、加强组织领导和舆论引领 一是加强领导、形成机制。各区县党委组织部、市委各工作党委组织部(处)要加强对“党员到社区、人人做公益”志愿行动的领导指导,组织党员认真学习领会中央、市委有关要求;老干部部门、机关党组织等要切实加强对退(离)休党支部和党员的发动指导。要把这项工作与深入开展教育实践活动、学习践行焦裕禄精神紧密结合,成为加强基层服务型党组织建设的重要载体,成为改进作风、密切党群关系的有力抓手。要加强分类指导,求真务实,使“党员到社区、人人做公益”志愿行动简便易行、各方欢迎、收到实效。机关、企事业单位党组织组织党员到工作、学习地所在社区参与活动,也要予以鼓励支持。要完善工作机制和激励机制,使之常态化、长效化。     二是广泛发动、抓好落实。各基层党组织要切实动员组织党员积极参与,党员领导干部要带头示范,做好表率。每个党员都要把参与“党员到社区、人人做公益”志愿行动的情况向所在党组织报告,党组织要把党员参与情况记录在本市党组织和党员管理系统相应栏目里,使之可检查可考核,并作为民主评议党员的重要内容和评先评优的重要依据。各街镇党员服务中心要加强与居村、各类社会公益组织、社会服务机构的合作,主动向党员提供群众需求信息,做好公益项目的对接协调工作,为党员参与公益服务活动创造条件。     三是加强宣传、营造氛围。要切实加强舆论宣传,上海基层党建网、《组织人事报》、《党的生活》、《老干部工作》、《常青树》等要开设“党员到社区、人人做公益”志愿行动专栏,加大宣传报道力度、营造良好的舆论氛围。要及时总结基层党组织和党员在开展活动中创造的经验,积极表彰在志愿行动、公益活动中作出成绩的基层党组织和党员,弘扬先进、树立典型,发挥榜样的引领作用。各单位开展活动的情况要及时向市委组织部、老干部局报告。       中共上海市委组织部 中共上海市委老干部局    2014年6月10日
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